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Morpheus8 RF Microneedling Pre and Postcare Instructions


Pre-procedure considerations:


  • Please see instructions for injectables for tips to reduce the incidence of bruising.

  • Results from Morpheus8 treatment may be seen in a few days, but will be most noticeable beginning at 3 weeks, with full results at 3 months post treatment.

  • Morpheus8 is a collagen building treatment. Results may be optimized by using Alastin Skin Nectar for 2 weeks prior to your treatment to clear old disorganized collagen and prepare for new collagen formation.

  • If desired, a pre-treatment medication may be prescribed to help you to relax during your procedure. Please let us know 3-5 days before you would like to pick up your prescription so that we may have it ready for you. If you take medication for your procedure, you will need someone to drive you home after treatment.

  • Avoid hair removal, skin resurfacing treatments, exfoliants, and any retinol or tretinoin containing products for 7 days prior to your procedure.

  • If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), discuss with your health care provider whether it is safe for you to stop taking them 5-7 days prior to your procedure.

  • If you have a history of cold sores, please inform your provider so that prophylaxis can be started prior to your day of treatment. If you already have a Valtrex prescription, take 500mg twice per day one day before, the day of, and one day after your treatment.

  • If you are taking Accutane (isotretinoin), Morpheus8 treatment may be performed six months AFTER medication is completed.

  • Once you arrive at the office, a numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area and left in place for one hour to minimize discomfort during the procedure.




  • After your procedure, your skin will have some redness and swelling and may show dots/grid marks. This is usually transient and subsides quickly, but you may see it to a degree for up to a week.

  • Always wash your hands before touching your face, use clean towels and a clean pillowcase to help prevent infection.

  • Do not apply any make up for at least 36 hours and be sure to clean any make up brushes, sponges, and applicators before use.

  • Be sure to apply sunscreen of at least 30 spf before any sun exposure.

  • Continue use of Alastin Skin Nectar to aid in healing.

  • You may experience mild discomfort for 1-2 days, followed by itching while your skin is healing. Avoid scratching treated areas.

  • Use a mild facial wash and avoid retinol, tretinoin, acids, vitamin C, scrubs, alcohol based toners, and chemical peels in treated areas for two weeks.

  • Avoid activities that can induce heavy perspiration such as strenuous exercise or saunas for 2-3 days.

  • Avoid cooling the area immediately after treatment and avoid anti-inflammatory medications for one week.


As always, please call us at (919) 263-8510 or email at if you have further questions. 

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